I'm tired of waiting for the gas by Albert Bernstein on banning chamber, let's go."

Just because Mr. Roth can write about American-Jewish people (his specialty), it does not follow that famous homosexual playwrights can (at least under their own names) without persecution write about homosexuals. There are no laws against acts stemming from being Jewish. Does Mr. Roth have no idea of the laws against homosexuality and of the number of homosexuals now in prison? Doesn't he know homosexuals have always been known as the easiest prey of the vice squad?

More and more we see these blind-hate reviewers, like Taubman of the NY TIMES and Kolodin of the SatReview. Recently a worldfamous novelist in a speech to Friends of ONE said that one review in the LA TIMES of his latest work was so insanely written due to blind hatred of homosexuals that it could be viewed as only "racist;" can it be, as he suggests, that since it is no longer respectable to be anti-Negro, etc., we homosexuals are going to inherit the bitter salt of the earth's "racist" hatred?



The producer of the sensationally successful TV shows, THE DEFENDERS and THE DOCTORS & THE NURSES, said their success is because they're not afraid of controversial subjects and they've covered about everything but everything but homosexuality "and sooner or later we'll hit that' A judge in Montreal fined a man a grand for exhibiting a homosexual film and screamed that homosexuals are on the increase. But not nearly as fast as the heteros


1-28-65 BROOKLYN HEIGHTS PRESS had a frothy-mouthed article


Whitman from schools 'cause he was homosexual . . . In the Nebraska State Legislature a bill was introduced prohibiting publications depicting sexual perversion, and in California one was introduced that would bring male homosexuals under the state's anti-prostitution law .. A booklet from Denmark called INTERNATIONAL NUDIST SUN we hear features male nudes with excellent photography . . . A 40-yearold bachelor Navy Lt. Commander whose home is in Carmel was found guilty by court martial of five homosexual acts, and his attorney says he'll appeal . . . In a 1-31-65 NY TIMES interview with

superb actress Kim Stanley, she says she wanted to do the lead in WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF but the author nixed her cause he thought she was too soft and womanly, and she asks, "But I don't think that woman should be dikey, do you?" . . . The LA TIMES said "reader complaints" were the cause of sending out a note to stage & screen accounts saying they'll not run ads with certain words included were "homosexual, lesbian, third sex"


In the 2-13-65 SatEve Post, a Vassar sociology prof. Dr. Leslie Koempel in WHY GET MARRIED? poohpoohs today's conformity craze. She cites Princeton's list of history's ten biggest contributors to advancement of knowledge as containing three bachelors-Plato, da Vinci & Newton. Also on that list are Socrates, Aristotle & Shakespeare. All six have homophile listings. And there is a startling listing of the composer Schubert as homophile in Colin Wilson's new book, THE ORIGINS OF THE SEXUAL IMPULSE, which to our knowledge is a unique listingany Schubert experts in the audience with info on this?